This blog site is not meant to be any information that is distributed to the general public. It is to serve as shared documentation between the DNSTC developers; however, if you find something useful and would like to use it, go right ahead.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fixing Buffer Issues

When I started working on SEO for pages, I noticed something strange occurring with errors stating that redirection or sessions could not be started.  Warnings would show up on the top of pages stating that you cannot perform these functions since the headers already started.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Trying to Be Good, although not easy.

headacheThrough several years of researching how to achieve first page placement I have discovered that for every article that explains how to do it one way, there are three others that can contradict the findings of the first article.  Which means 1) Nobody really has a clue or 2) People just like to write catchy titles to catch other’s attention.

I gave up the quest of research the beginning of the year and decided to just try things on my own.  Those tips and tricks I have read about that make sense, why not just weed out the garbage and fall back to the old adage of “keeping it simple stupid”.

With that being said, one of the 3 major things that I have found (and counter found) that is important in having your web pages indexed correctly, is that they meet W3C validation rules.  Makes sense.  You site should be clean of errors and easily read by the search engine bots.

So I embarked on a great campaign - that if nothing else, each website I design is W3C valid.  This should just be something that my clients should be able to count on when they commission me to be their webmaster.

Well this week, I am working on a project where I am going through each page of a website and cleaning up the code.  If you have done this, you know that it can be tricky going back and forth fixing one thing and breaking something else.  Took me a little bit of time, but once I got on a roll it was pretty simple.

In a mater of an hour or so, the entire website was 100% W3C validated and compliant.  I gave myself a pat on the back, and got another cup of coffee. 

When I came back to my desk, I noticed that one of the other simple things on my task list was to add Google Analytic tracking to the website.  Forgot to do this a while back, so hey, another checkmark off the list.

Hopped over to my Google Analytics, grabbed the code and put it in the website template.  Gave a quick upload and done.  Check.  Done this so many times in the past, I didn’t even take an extra second to look at the code.

I had to add a new page to the site, so once I got everything on-line I decided to run another quick validation on the site just to make sure we were still in compliance… at least with the new page.


When I look at the error, it was the code that I had copied from Google.  Are you kidding me?  Google cannot even post code that is compliant…. arrrg!  Well, that’s ok Google, at least I fixed it on my site.

Sorry, just needed to rant a bit.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Creating a New Website Structure Analysis Report


The Website Auditor will provide us with 2 critical items needed for Search Engine Optimization. (1.  Information about the website structure, 2. Information about Keyword SEO per page).  These directions will discuss how to create the structure report.  Once the structure has been address, you can open the project and run an SEO analysis per page based on the keywords provided by the client (click here for those directions)

  1. Make sure we have already setup the client report domain.  (see Installing the Analysis Directory on YWR and Documentation)
  2. Open Website Auditor
  3. Make sure you have already configured the software for DNSTC (see Setting Up the company profile)
  4. Click on New at the top right.
  5. Enter the domain name and click next.
  6. This may take some time depending on the size of the website.
  7. When analysis is done, click on Finish.
  8. It will then ask to collect various ranking information.  Click on Yes.
  9. On the next screen, check all of the options (Select all at the top of the window)
  10. Click Next.
  11. If CAPTHAs pop-up, just click Skip all
  12. Again, this may take time depending on the size of the website.
  13. When done, click Finish
  14. You should now see ranking data, validation errors, etc…
  15. Click on Website Report
  16. Check the option on the top right to “Website Structure Audit Report (Detailed View)”

Publishing the Reports

Once you see data on the report, then you can publish to the client’s directory on the 

If you are publishing for the first time, you need to setup the company profile.  This is similar to the DNSTC profile, but it is the information pertaining to the client.  Here is how you setup this up, and it only has to be set-up once for the project file.  Skip this step if the client profile is already configured.

  1. From the menu, Preference –> Customer Profile
  2. Enter the information about the customer.
  3. Click OK when done.

Once the client profile has been configure, you can move onto creating the publishing profile and publishing the report.

  1. Click on Publish
  2. Select HTML, and click next
  3. Select Upload Report via FTP, and click next
  4. FTP server would be:
  5. Username and password is the same as cPanel
  6. Click next
  7. Under the folder public_html you should see the client’s directory, select it and click next.
  8. Under the step #5 screen click the following:
    1. Add prefix:  Change this to Website Structure Audit Report
    2. Check Append Customer’s Name
    3. Check Append Customer’s website Address
    4. Check Append Current Date
    5. Click Next
  9. Name the Publishing Profile, [Company Name] - Website Structure.
  10. Click next
  11. Select the publishing profile
  12. Click next
  13. The report will be published to the client’s directory.

Backing Up and Storing the Project Profile

All of the project files for the analysis reports are stored via FTP to in a folder called “a”.  After you have completed procession the web site structure report, you should then upload a copy of the profile into this folder for the other team members to share.

Setting Up The Company Profile


Almost all of the report generators have the same configuration for the company profile.  So you should be able to follow along with these directions on each of the different utilities.  This only has to be done once for the utility after you install the software, but before you PUBLISH a report.

  1. Open the utility.
  2. Click on Preferences –> Company Profile
  3. Enter the following:
    1. Name:  DNS Technology Consultants, Inc.
    2. e-mail:
    3. website:
    4. Address: 1397 Leyton Drive, Youngstown, Ohio  44509
    5. Logo, Download and use:

Again, this should only have to be done once per utility.

Installing the Analysis Directory on YWR and Documentation


consturctionDocumentation for DNSTC Developers

This document will only provide information for DNSTC developer’s and is really of no use to anyone else.

About the Analysis Directory

The Analysis Directory is the directory that will house the data reports and status reports for projects that we are working on for clients.  They will get their own URL and be able to connect to to view those reports.

During the processing of the reports (you will see in other documentation) they can be published via FTP.  To make life simple, we have decided to house all reports under which the bulk of these reports all related to SEO.

In order for the process to work, the directory must first be installed before any of the reports can be viewed by the client.

To Install the Directory:

  1. Add the domain to the developer’s portal.
  2. Connect to the SEO page of the domain in the developer’s portal and add the directory name, and if you know the keyword phrases.
  3. Click on the Install button next to the directory name.
  4. A new window will pop-up installing the directory, creating the config.txt, and copying over the index.php file.  You can test to make sure all is installed by clicking on the connect at the end of the installation screen.

About the Index.php File

A special index file has been created that will not only pull the tasks from the DNSTC developer’s portal, but also provide a directory listing of the reports.  During the installation process above, the index file is copied into the directory.  The source of the index.php file is located at:

If changes need to be made to the client’s directory listing or index file.  All that has to be done is update the source index.php, copy it over to the source directory, and follow the installation procedure again.  This will provide the new version of the index.php file in the client’s directory.

SEO PowerSuite now being incorporated into Internet Marketing services at DNSTC


DNSTC has purchased the SEO PowerSuite software and is using it in various aspects of Internet Marketing for websites, as well as, for client websites.  The software, although very powerful, is at times extremely complex to configure and run.  I will be posting documentation on the blog here that will explain how to configure the software, run the analysis, generate reports, and publish reports.

Two websites, and will be using these reports and clients will be able to view and following along with the results.

To download the software, view documentation, or open a trouble ticket, the main website for the software is:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

DNSTCWSMS is now 100% W3C XHTML and CSS Compliant


Through some diligent efforts of our development team, we now have 100% compliance on the WSMS coding engine.  This also includes the meta tags used for Facebook and other social media sites.