This blog site is not meant to be any information that is distributed to the general public. It is to serve as shared documentation between the DNSTC developers; however, if you find something useful and would like to use it, go right ahead.

Monday, May 21, 2012–DNSTC Welcome New Corporate Client–Subzero–Wolf (DNSTC) would like to welcome Subzero / Wolf as new corporate rose clients.  We are now supplying them with corporate gifts of roses to their distributors across the nation.

You can find out more about Sub-Zero (Refrigerators) and Wolf stoves on their corporate website.

If you are interested in Corporate roses for your company, you can find out more information here.

You can also view other examples of corporate roses on our Pinterest Board.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dimensions for Facebook Images


With Facebook forcing everyone one including business fan pages to go to the new timeline, there are some advantages.

One of these advantages is that you customize several of the images on the timeline.

I am often looking this information up, so I thought it would be helpful to me (as well as others) to do a post with the dimensions of the images that are used on the new Facebook Timeline.

  • Cover Image:  851 X 315
  • Profile Picture: 180 X 180
  • Custom Thumbnails: 111 X 74